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South Carolina Nursing Home Unexpected Death Lawyers Sue for Wrongful Death

Families of nursing home unexpected death victims deserve full compensation
People who place their loved one in a nursing home expect their relative or friend will enjoy their remaining years and die of natural causes. They never expect that the nursing home will fail to properly care for the residents. Sadly, deaths in nursing homes due to abuse and neglect occur all too often. Many residents die because preventive measures are not taken or because patients with injuries do not get proper medical treatment. Many deaths occur because older patients cannot recover from their injuries like younger victims can.
If you lost a family member due to a nursing home death, you may have the right to hold the nursing home accountable for medical bills, funeral bills, the loss of companionship of the loved one, and even the loss of financial support. McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC’s team of experienced South Carolina nursing home wrongful death attorneys guide you through this tragic time. We treat families of deceased seniors like our own family. Our lawyers have a proven track record of success in helping victims of nursing home wrongful death.
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Some of the common reasons for nursing home deaths

Nursing homes, by law, have a duty to prepare for many of the well-known issues senior citizens face. Some of the common problems that can escalate into a tragic death if not treated properly include:
Other reasons for a wrongful nursing home a death include giving the resident improper medications, unsanitary conditions, and many other causes.
How McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC, fights for families

Questionable circumstances around an unexpected death of a loved one in a nursing home call for an investigation. Contact a South Carolina wrongful death attorney who knows the rules and regulations to which nursing homes must adhere, and who fights incompetence and abuse for you.
McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC, contacts the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control to initiate an investigation involving nursing home abuse and neglect. Our office requisitions records, staffing information, video footage, and documentation regarding the care and health of a neglected or abused patient. We expose abuse, identify neglect, and demand compensation for our clients.
Strong advocacy for nursing home wrongful death victims
McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC, works to get families of deceased nursing home residents compensation when the nursing home should have prevented their loved one’s death. One of our South Carolina nursing home wrongful death attorneys works with the family to determine why the death happened and what could have been done to prevent it. If a loved one died through nursing home neglect, you need strong representation. Our lawyers have obtained many large settlements and verdicts for South Carolina families when a senior died through neglect or abuse.
Please phone us at 803-327-7800 for a free discussion. You can also fill out our contact form. We serve clients in South Carolina. Our offices are located in Anderson, Columbia, Georgetown, Rock Hill, and Sumter.