South Carolina Loss of Limb Attorneys

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South Carolina Loss of Limb Attorneys


Professional legal counsel after amputation injuries and accidents

The loss of a limb or other body part is a permanent and disfiguring experience. Often, patients can no longer perform many of the physical tasks they could before the injury – affecting their job, daily life, and relationships with family and children. Patients with amputation injury must adjust both physically and mentally to a life post-accident.

At McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC, our South Carolina injury attorneys understand the challenges of these types of injuries. We work with our clients to help them get the compensation they need so they can focus on learning to adjust to this new life and, when possible, to live with prosthetic devices or adaptive equipment. We work to determine how and why the accident happened and what parties were responsible.

When a traumatic injury like loss of limb occurs, our lawyers have the experience and track record to help you get full compensation so you can get a fresh start.

Free Case Evaluation

Call 803-327-7800 now or fill out the form above to schedule your free case evaluation.

What are traumatic amputation injuries?


A traumatic amputation is an accident that results in the loss of a body part, typically a finger, toe, arm, or leg. According to Industrial Safety & Hygiene News (ISHN), two million Americans live with limb loss, and about 25 percent of all amputations are due to traumatic accidents. This translates to about 30,000 traumatic amputations occurring in the United States every year.

The most common traumatic amputation is one of the upper limbs, and the majority of amputation patients are between ages 15 and 40. Further, nearly 80 percent of traumatic limb loss patients are male.

What are the most common causes of limb loss and amputation?


Any type of serious and violent accident can result in an amputation injury, or requiring a medically necessary amputation. Our South Carolina loss of limb attorneys handle cases of injury stemming from negligence involving:

Another type of negligence that can necessitate the amputation of a body part is medical malpractice. Health providers who fail to treat an infection, overprescribe or fail to monitor a drug, operate on the wrong body part, or fail to properly diagnose or treat a disease such as diabetes may be liable for any resulting injuries.

What are the complications associated with limb amputation?

As with any surgical procedure, amputation comes with the risk of complications. Further, limb loss itself has its own set of complications, especially in emergency situations. Complications from traumatic amputations can include:

  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Gangrene
  • Nerve damage
  • Pneumonia
  • Shock
  • Stump and “phantom limb” pain
  • Wound infection

Any of these can lead to life-threatening conditions that will lead to even more time in the hospital, more time in treatment, and more time and money lost from your normal and daily life. Many amputation patients also experience emotional issues after losing a limb. Common psychological issues for people who have lost a limb include:

  • Anxiety
  • Denial
  • Depression
  • Grief
  • Suicidal thoughts or ideations

Serious, debilitating injuries, whatever the cause, require first-rate professional help. The South Carolina amputation lawyers at McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC consult orthopedists, neurologists, physical therapists, psychologists, and economic valuation experts to help determine the full extent of your medical needs and the costs that will be needed to pay for your care – for the rest of your life.

What are the lifetime costs associated with an amputation injury?


The lifetime costs of an amputation injury can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. A study published in the National Library of Medicine looked at the costs of losing a limb, including initial hospitalization, rehospitalizations for acute care, inpatient rehabilitation, doctor visits, physical and occupational therapy, and prosthetic devices. This care includes a price tag of:

  • $91,106 for two-year health care costs
  • $509,275 for lifetime health care costs

It is important to note that these costs do not include pain and suffering and emotional injuries.

What is my South Carolina amputation injury case worth?


Our  amputation attorneys have obtained millions in settlements and jury trial verdicts for our clients. We obtain these results by first proving negligence on the part of the at-fault party, and then by demanding compensation for all of the losses South Carolina law allows.

A successful personal injury case secures financial compensation for:

  • Medical bills. This includes the cost of surgeries, doctor visits, prosthetic devices and medications.
  • Physical and occupational therapy. Many limb loss patients must spend time learning how to live with their “new normal.”
  • Personal support and home health care. Some individuals who have lost limbs may need an in-home nurse or caregiver or additional medical assistance.
  • Lost wages. You may be entitled to compensation for time off work due to your injury, plus compensation for inability to work in the future.
  • Scarring and disfigurement. We can assist you with obtaining compensation for physical scars and changes in your appearance post-accident.
  • Diminished quality of life. Our attorneys help compensate you for emotional, social, and mental fallout from the accident.

Rely on our South Carolina attorneys after you or a loved one has lost a limb

The injury lawyers at McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC provide strategic and compassionate representation to those who have experienced a traumatic amputation. We understand the importance of your case and work to secure the compensation you deserve for your losses. Let us help. Call us today at 803-327-7800 or fill out our contact form and schedule an appointment. We proudly serve clients throughout South Carolina and nationwide from offices in Columbia, Rock Hill, Greenville, Charleston, and Myrtle Beach.