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If You Used Talc Cosmetics, Our South Carolina Defective Products Attorneys Want to Hear Your Story

Fighting for families and their futures
The attorneys at the South Carolina law firm of McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC, have fought on behalf of injury victims for over 20 years. We have worked hard to build our reputation as the law firm you can trust to fight for mass tort victims who have suffered at the hands of one or more companies.
As of May 2016, Johnson and Johnson have been successfully sued for a total of $127 million, because of the link between their talc-based products and women who have developed ovarian cancer. J&J continues to market these dangerous products, despite the evidence against them. At McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC, we find that unacceptable. If you have developed cancer after life-long or prolonged used of a talc-based cosmetic or hygiene product, our experienced South Carolina lawyers will fight to demand accountability from J&J and any manufacturer whose products caused you harm.
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Fast facts about talc

Talc is a clay mineral that occurs in nature. It is incredibly soft, and its super absorbent properties have made it the go-to choice for preventing rashes and keeping your skin dry. It is also used in a large number of cosmetics, like eyeshadows and lipsticks, and feminine hygiene products.
Talc and ovarian cancer

The first possible connection between the use of talc products and the development of ovarian cancer dates back as far as the 1970s. In an article published in The Lancet, the authors say, “Direct passage of talc or asbestos-contaminated talc through the female reproductive tract to the ovarian surface may play an ætiological role. Further systematic evaluation of talc and asbestos as ovarian carcinogens is needed.” Since the 1970s, manufacturers of talc-based products have been required to remove any and all asbestos from the talc before it could be sold.
But in 1982, another study was published in Cancer, reiterating the connection. By then, asbestos had been banned – but the concern still existed. Researchers continued to study the relationship between talc and ovarian cancer, and in 2008, an article in the European Journal of Cancer titled “Perineal Talc Use and Ovarian Cancer: A Critical Review” claimed there was some risk, and that “data have been interpreted as supporting a causal role.”
Last year, in May 2015, the International Journal of Gynecological Cancer published a new study. There findings were nothing short of extraordinary:
“Talc use increased ovarian cancer risk by 30–60% in almost all well-designed studies. The Attributable Risk was 29%, meaning that elimination of talc use could protect more than one quarter or more of women who develop ovarian cancer…. Well-designed studies that considered dose response by both duration and frequency all found higher risk among women exposed to more applications.”
Finally, the definitive link between the use of talc and ovarian cancer was plain to see. It exists. It has always existed.
And Johnson & Johnson did nothing.
Why we’re fighting on behalf of injured women and their families

Bloomberg.com says it best: “The odds of a woman in the U.S. falling ill with ovarian cancer are 1 in 70. Talc use is associated with worse odds, 1 in 53, according to those epidemiological studies.” Ovarian cancer is an especially insidious form of the disease. It is difficult to diagnose early because its symptoms often aligns with other conditions. It kills more than 14,000 women a year. That’s more than 14,000 families destroyed by a cancer that for some, may have been entirely preventable.
At McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC, we refuse to accept those numbers lying down. Our South Carolina dangerous product lawyers demand accountability when a manufacturer creates a defective product that leads to the illness, injury and potential death of its consumers. But cases against a corporate giant like Johnson & Johnson present challenges that other firms may not be able to handle because of their size and their resources.
This is not the case with McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC. We have the skills. We have the resources. We have the experience. We fight for justice for the families we represent. We are unafraid to take on the big cases, and we have what it takes to handle complex litigation for the long run. When you are hurt and you don’t know where to turn, let us help you take back control over your life.

The name you trust to protect your future and uphold your rights
McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC, puts people first. If you have been a victim of a defective or dangerous product, you can trust us to take care of you and your legal needs. To find out more about our services, please call 803-327-7800 or fill out our contact form from any device. We don’t get paid until you do, and the first consultation is absolutely free.
With offices in Columbia, Anderson, Rock Hill, Sumter, Georgetown, and Charlotte, NC, the law firm of McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC, proudly serves people throughout South Carolina and the country.