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Myrtle Beach Truck Accident Attorneys

Serving families throughout South Carolina who have suffered because of a truck crash
In 2013, about 24,000 injuries were reported in crashes with large commercial trucks. Collisions with big rigs, tractor-trailers, 18-wheelers, semis and other large vehicles can leave people with devastating injuries – and little to no means for paying the medical bills. At McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC, we know what that feels like, because we’ve been helping South Carolina victims of truck crashes obtain the compensation they need after an accident, for the last two decades. If you are in need of an experienced Myrtle Beach truck accident attorney, don’t wait; let our family help yours by fighting on your behalf.
Free Case Evaluation
Why Myrtle Beach residents and visitors need to be wary of commercial trucks

The Myrtle Beach area is home to one of the largest seaports in South Carolina. And where there are seaports, there are tractor-trailers and delivery trucks just waiting to haul goods from Georgetown to the rest of the country. Unlike other areas of South Carolina, we don’t have a lot of large highways – which means trucks go rumbling down Main Street and side streets in order to get where they need to go.
This puts our residents and visitors as a distinct disadvantage, because we are far more likely to encounter a large truck in our day-to-day lives than the average SC driver. Pedestrians especially are at risk of an accident in Myrtle Beach, Surfside Beach, Georgetown – more than they are in other parts of the state.
What our attorneys do to help

McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC, understands the unique circumstances residents and tourists face after a truck accident in Myrtle Beach. Whether you live in South Carolina or are visiting form another state, we can help you by:
- Collecting and reviewing your paperwork. Multiple insurance policies, police reports, eyewitness accounts, and medical records: this is just a fraction of the documentation you need in order to make a solid claim for insurance. We review these documents to ensure they are factual, and handle any pushback from your insurers swiftly and effectively.
- Fighting on your behalf. Whether we are protecting your rights in a courtroom or putting our fierce negotiating skills to work in a boardroom, our Myrtle Beach truck accident lawyers always have your best interests, and your future, in mind. We have developed a reputation as the firm you don’t want to go up against, and we live up to that reputation every day.
- Offering assistance for your day-to-day life. Need a rental car while yours is in the shop? Trying to find a home health aide to assist with your or your loved one’s rehabilitation? Trying to navigate the murky waters of Social Security Disability? Our team helps in each of these situations and more. We answer your questions and reach out to our own network of resources to help you make the best decisions you can moving forward.
At the end of the day, our legal team protects you now and in the future. We know what kind of problems you might face if you or your family member suffered a serious personal injury, like a traumatic brain injury or the loss of a limb. We know that even less severe injuries (such as whiplash or broken bones) can still take a very long time to heal, will keep you out of work, and can render your financial future unstable. We also know that in cases where your loved one died in a truck crash, you may need a hand sorting out the details of the funeral and burial. In each of these scenarios – and in so many more – the Myrtle Beach truck accident attorneys of McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC, are right where you need them: by your side, fighting on your behalf, and shouldering the burden of the suit so you can focus on the wellbeing of you and your family.
Myrtle Beach truck accident lawyers helping victims throughout South Carolina
McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC, is one of the most respected personal injury law firms in South Carolina. You can rely on us to help you through one of the most difficult times of your life. To speak with an experienced Myrtle Beach truck accident attorney, please call 803-327-7800 or fill out our contact form. If your injuries have left you unable to travel, we will make arrangements to come to you. Don’t suffer alone; let our family protect yours.