What Injuries are Women Suffering After Having Essure Birth Control Implants?

What Injuries are Women Suffering After Having Essure Birth Control Implants?The Essure permanent birth control system was approved by the FDA as a sterilization option for women who wanted a less invasive option for sterilization than the traditional tubal ligation procedure. Essure is a pair of metal coils about the length of your little finger that are implanted into the Fallopian Tubes. The metal coils are supposed to create scar tissue on the tubes effectively blocking the opening and blocking fertilization.

The Essure device has been implanted in more than half a million women so far, but women have complained of adverse reactions and complications from the procedure since the time of the device’s availability.

Injuries from Essure permanent birth control device

Some of the common complaints received regarding the Essure birth control device include the following:

·       Severe abdominal and pelvic pain

·       Migraines

·       Nausea

·       Vomiting

·       Excessive bleeding


·       Perforations of the fallopian tubes

·       Unintended pregnancies

·       Ectopic pregnancies

·       Stillbirth

·       Miscarriage


A study published in the Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology (JMIG) analyzed the adverse events with the Essure birth control device that have been reported to the manufacturer and to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Fifty-nine percent of the cases evaluated (270 cases) required an additional surgical procedure, of which 44 were hysterectomies. The authors of the study end their report by urging doctors to review the MAUDE database before using medical devices so that they might assess uncommon but major complications that might be associated with that device. They also urge doctors and healthcare facilities to report adverse events to the MAUDE adverse event reporting program. Doing so adds to the body of information about drugs and medical devices that are causing people harm.

FDA acts to inform women of the risks of the Essure birth control implants

In April 2018, the FDA restricted the sale and distribution of the Essure sterilization device to doctors and healthcare providers who agree to review with the patient and sign a 22-page document called, “Patient-Doctor Discussion Checklist– Acceptance of Risk and Informed Decision Acknowledgement.” Both patient and doctor must read and sign the document before the device may be implanted so that women can be fully informed of both the benefits and risks of the device.

Those who have suffered injuries and complications from the Essure birth control device may want to schedule a no-obligation consultation with a defective medical device attorney who will review their case and advise them of their legal options for recovering compensation for their injuries and other losses.

At McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC, our defective medical device attorneys are compassionate individuals who offer confidential consultations to women who have experienced pain, injury, revision surgery, or other negative side effects from an Essure birth control implant. Our firm can review your options after an injury, including filing an individual lawsuit if your case qualifies for such action. You are welcome to contact our Essure birth control implant injury attorneys today for a free, no obligation consultation. Discover what we can do for you. Contact us and schedule a free case evaluation. Call 803-327-7800 today.