Medical Journal

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South Carolina Dangerous Drug Lawyer Advises Keeping A Medical Journal


A successful drug injury lawsuit will require proof that a manufacturer’s negligence led to a dangerous drug or defective medical device being the proximate cause of a personal injury. Patients who maintain detailed medical journals provide real-time information about the cause of a pharmaceutical or medical injury. Our drug injury attorneys represent victims to secure financial compensation, as well as holding the responsible parties accountable for their negligent actions.

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What is a Medical Journal for Drug Injuries?


It is recommended that patients taking a pharmaceutical drug or who use a medical device maintain a medical journal detailing their experiences. A good medical journal should contain dates and details regarding:

  • Side effects and symptoms from the medication or device
  • Emotions and feelings you are experiencing
  • Notes regarding conversations with health care professionals
  • Any information given to you by your doctor, pharmaceutical company or hospital
  • Medical, doctor and hospital bills and correspondence
  • Bills and correspondence from your health insurance provider
  • Pictures of any visible injuries and side effects

Pictures of Visible Injuries and Side Effects


They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and this is particularly true for medical injuries. If your adverse side effects, symptoms or injuries are visible, take multiple pictures to keep with your medical journal. Detail in your journal the date of the pictures. These pictures may be crucial pieces of evidence if your injuries have healed or improved in the event a trial is necessary.

When you take pictures of your medical injuries, take multiple shots in different lighting and from different angles and distances. Include some pictures where both the injury and your face are visible in the shot for easy identification.

Proving Your Drug Injury Case

To bring a successful drug injury lawsuit, it is required that patients prove they were injured due to the negligence of others. In addition, the evidence in the case must demonstrate that the ingestion of a dangerous drug or the use of a defective medical device was the proximate cause of the injury. Maintaining a detailed medical journal after a drug injury can provide the necessary evidence needed to bolster negotiations or prove a case in court, if necessary.

Our drug injury law firm provides free attorney consultations to review your unique situation and to provide what options may be available, which may include filing an individual drug injury lawsuit or joining a class action lawsuit. Contact us today for more information and to schedule an appointment.

Discover what we can do for you. Contact us and schedule a free case evaluation. Call 803-327-7800 today.

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