Birth Trauma is a Real, Ongoing Problem

When there is a complication in childbirth that leads to a birth injury for the baby, there is often intense scrutiny about the baby’s health and well-being – as there should be. The birth trauma that some women experience, however, after a difficult childbirth is real, and often left unaddressed. Last summer, we covered the…

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Why You Need to Know about Traumatic Birth Syndrome

Birth injuries are serious complications that can arise during labor and delivery. Mistakes by your team of healthcare professionals can have lifelong effects on your child. We often talk about the causes of cerebral palsy, hypoxia, forceps injuries, and other conditions and the effects that they can have on your child. Often overlooked, however, are…

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When Mothers Suffer Injuries During the Childbirth Process

Childbirth is supposed to be the beautiful and exciting start to a new family. An act of medical negligence can change that forever. In situations when the mother has survived the birth, but is dealing with her own injuries while trying to care for a newborn, it can create difficulties for the family – but…

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Cerebral Palsy Can Develop as the Result of Medical Malpractice

There are few feelings as extraordinary as holding your child for the first time. That life that you carried through nine long months of morning sickness, food cravings, extra trips to the bathroom and some pretty uncomfortable sleeping positions is finally here – 10 fingers, 10 toes, and absolutely loved. For some mothers, however, the…

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