How Do I Know if I Need to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?


Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer in South Carolina

When you have sustained an injury that you believe could have been prevented, or was caused by someone else’s negligence, it can cause all kinds of disruptions in your life. If your injury requires surgery, you will be in pain, lose time and income from work, and likely be unable to handle your responsibilities at home with ease. Fortunately, we have a civil justice system that is designed to provide a forum for those who have been injured by the negligence of another to get justice in the form of compensation for their losses.

But do you really need to hire a South Carolina personal injury attorney to help you after an accident? The answer is almost always a resounding “Yes.”

What will a personal injury lawyer do for me?

Personal injury attorneys use their knowledge of the law and their experience with the legal system to represent your interests. You will be going up against insurance companies whose first interest is to pay out as little as possible. Your attorney will investigate the incident or accident, gather the evidence to prove the other party’s negligence. They may either advise you to settle the case or pursue a lawsuit in court. Regardless, your attorney will make sure that you get compensation to cover:

  • Medical bills
  • Prescription costs
  • Rehabilitation expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Lost or diminished earning capacity if the injured person can no longer preform the same job
  • Pain and suffering
  • Funeral costs, in the event of a wrongful death

As personal injury lawyers, our goal is to help our clients get the compensation they need and deserve, not just the minimum payout the insurance company is likely to offer. We also work with medical experts and your doctor, accident scene reconstructionists (when necessary) and witnesses to your injury to build strong cases for why you need that compensation, and why your injury will impact you and your family long after it occurred.

How much will it cost to hire a personal injury lawyer?

Most personal injury lawyers operate on a contingency fee basis. This means that when they agree to take your case you will not pay them anything up front and you will not pay any attorney fees until they win your case. If they do not win your case, you do not have to pay attorney fees.

If you would like to speak to a South Carolina personal injury lawyer about your case, you may contact the experienced attorneys at McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC today to schedule a no obligation consultation today.